
Monday, October 20, 2014

Giants may have more than a World Series dividend coming their way soon

This is an interesting point and one that could keep the Giants strong for a long time. Another $15-20 million that can be allocated to payroll is another strong bat or a quality pitcher or two to add to the rotation. If they could only find a way to work that number into the 2015-16 budget. Might mean the difference between Panda staying or leaving. It would be tough to let him go if they win a third ring with him, budget concerns or not. And listen, we're not running any bake sales to raise money for Giants ownership. They've won at the cash register every bit as much as the Giants players have won on the field.

The stadium is a crown jewel of the franchise and the atmosphere, the dimensions allows them to attract players that allow them to continue being competitive. One feeds off the other.

from Chicago Sun-Times:
Giants weren’t always the model of baseball success - Chicago Sun-Times:
The $20 million annual debt service on the construction loan comes off the books in two years, and the idea of Sabean with money to spend can’t be comforting to his front-office rivals. But he probably will continue to mix and match — Hunter Pence and Travis Ishikawa were once Ellis Burks and Reggie Sanders — and trust his grossly competent manager, Bruce Bochy, to make it work.
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