
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Giants "We Own the Pennant" T-Shirts Flying Off Shelves | CSN Bay Area

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Sorry, maybe I don't fly as high as some birds on this, cool looking shirt, but the terminology is just BAD. You don't OWN the pennant. If you are fortunate, you rent/lease it on a yearly basis. We are going to play the 2015 season, right? And it will be an odd-numbered year, right? So unless we suspend the laws of math or change the way we count things in some weird-ass Common Core type of way, this is just Bad Karma, IMO.

Hopefully this doesn't bite the Gigantes on the ass, but I guess it already has/will since this crap is out there in the universe and junk. Maybe I just don't get it?
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from CSN Bay Area:
Giants "We Own the Pennant" T-Shirts Flying Off Shelves | CSN Bay Area:
Get your orange on while you still can.

"We Own the Pennant" t-shirts were flying off store shelves within minutes of the San Francisco Giants winning the NL Championship series — a dramatic 6-3 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals in game 5 Thursday night.
'via Blog this'

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