
Monday, October 20, 2014

Notre Dame is confused - FSU didn't get rewarded, Notre Dame got punished

“Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to be your ruin” – Aesop

Seems like there is a whole lot of confusion going on at Notre Dame lately. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil. You should know better and lead better. Shame on Notre Dame!!!

DUDE!!! I saw the play live and I said to myself, "Dang, TWO guys blocking / setting picks down field. Easy call." and I don't even officiate football. Kelly is freaking delusional. But he fits in well with the current culture down there at South Bend. 

from Bleacher Report:
Kelly: FSU's Blown Coverage 'Rewarded'
Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly was livid after a controversial offensive pass interference call wiped out the Irish's potential game-winning touchdown i...
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Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly was livid after a controversial offensive pass interference call wiped out the Irish's potential game-winning touchdown in their 31-27 loss Saturday to Florida State. With a day to ruminate and further clarification provided by the officiating crew, reporters asked if he better understood the call Sunday.
Per Matt Fortuna of, Kelly said:
Actually I have less clarity. I guess it was actually called on Will Fuller, not C.J. (Prosise). So [it] just adds more uncertainty as to the final play. But again, the play itself, in terms of what we ask our kids to do, it was pretty clear what happened on the play: Florida State blew the coverage and they got rewarded for it. It's unfortunate.
However, ACC coordinator of football officials Doug Rhoads defended the crew's call Sunday. Rhoads specifically cites the wide receivers blocking downfield on a forward pass as a violation, noting that neither player attempted to run a route.
"Offensive players on passing plays are restricted from going downfield and blocking anytime from the snap," Rhoads said, per Zach Barnett of College Football Talk. "If the ball is first touched behind the line of scrimmage then that would be legal and it's okay, but if it's touched beyond the line then it's offensive pass interference."
But this is an institution that has been selling out for quit a while now, so why should anybody be surprised. I liked them better when they at least gave the impressions that they stood for something. They have not just lowered their standards lately as many in the "win at all costs crowd" clamored for, they have pile driven their standards into the ground. Shame on Notre Dame!!!

Notre Dame is confused
The University of Notre Dame has decided "to extend benefits to all legally married persons, including same-sex spouses…." Renowned Notre Dame law pro...
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Renowned Notre Dame law professor Gerry Bradley has set out the civil law options Notre Dame could have pursued and Bp. Kevin Rhoades has put the university on notice that their decision does not seem commensurate with the duties Catholic institutions owe to Catholic (not to mention natural law) truths.

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