
Monday, October 06, 2014

This is why the Panda will migrate from SF

Third baseman Pablo Sandoval is creating a stir (again) in the 2014 MLB Playoffs.
Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images

This article pinpoints why the Panda will leave San Francisco after this season and it has nothing to do with the bamboo flowering cycle. It has more to do with stupid contracts. As much as I would love to see Sandoval stay in SF and become one of their all-time greats, they really can't afford to limit themselves from a payroll standpoint. Maybe if Scutaro's number was coming off the books after this season....but NO!!

Pablo Sandoval rumors: Yankees, Dodgers, Red Sox linked to Sandoval? - Seattle Seattle Mariners |
In the article, writer Nick Cafardo states, “Most major league executives we’ve talked to believe Sandoval will wind up with a five-year deal worth about $100 million. That could be with the Red Sox, Yankees or Dodgers.” He didn’t rule out that other teams could seek out the services of the switch-hitter and that might tempt the Seattle Mariners to enter the picture. He could play first base for the team if they move on from Justin Smoak and don’t re-sign Kendrys Morales.
Sandoval has played seven seasons for the Giants and has a career batting average of .294. He also has an on-base percentage of .346 that is very respectable. On the surface, though, he doesn’t have the numbers that most fans would expect from a player garnering a contract worth $20 million per season. His high-water marks in home runs and RBIs are 25 and 90 and he has only hit more than 16 home runs twice in his career. 
'via Blog this'

Better hope that either Adam Duvall or Matt Duffy is ready to step in since most in Gigante-land think that Buster Posey is a clumsy doof who can't make such a difficult transition.  Note to Brass: He went to Florida State initially as a SS.

Florida State SS Buster Posey

I think he would be in the upper half defensively from day one.  My way would also open up the catcher's spot for Andrew Susac, who has proven he belongs. Their way leaves you hoping that either Duvall or Duffy can prove themselves capable of hitting over long stretches rather than spots. Susac hasn't done it over a 162 game season either, but off what we have seen so far, he seems more able to produce long-term than the other two. BWDIK?  ¯\_( )_/¯

Buster Posey obviously can't pick up anything moving away from him - how can he possibly hope to ever play IF?

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