
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Baseball Rule 5 Draft coming up Dec 11th

The G-men protected the right guys, the middle inning relievers and potential set-up guys are the ones that seemingly garner the most attention and become the most likely to be plucked out of the organization. 

Given the Baseball America analysis, it doesn't seem as if the Giants will lose anybody since no Giants were mentioned in a rather lengthy list of prospects. 

Notable Players Available In The Rule 5 Draft -

The Rule 5 draft is fascinating because of its timing and its format. Positioned right in the middle of the baseball offseason, it gives everyone a chance to scour rosters and dream on talented players with flaws.
In reality, the change of eligibility rules in 2007 that gave teams an extra year of protection before players become eligible for the Rule 5 draft reduced the importance of the Rule 5 draft significantly. That extra year has made it easier for teams to make decisions on players, and since then, fewer impact players have been nabbed.
But teams will continue to scour rosters in hopes of finding another Joakim SoriaDan Uggla orJosh Hamilton. Or at least another Ryan Flaherty or T.J. McFarland.

Osich and Bandilla may be on the move due to the rise of Steven Okert. Okert was a 2012 draftee while the other two were drafted in 2011, so Okert has another year before he needs to be added to the 40 man roster. Lefty pitching prospects are always at a premium, but you can only protect so many of them. 

This is basically a re-shuffling of the 2011 Draft deck, a draft that is looking very good for the Giants led by Panik, Crick and Susac. 

San Francisco Giants 2011 Draft Selections

It also says a lot about what the Giants think of Ray Black and Derek Law, seventh and ninth rounders respectively.  Given the relative success and potential of Hunter Strickland, it goes to show you can't give up on power right-handed arms either.  

Giants Prospects protected:

Ray Black x
Derek Law x
Joan Gregorio x
Cody Hall x

Giants Prospects most likely to be drafted:

Josh Osich
Bryce Bandilla
Chuckie Jones
Ricky Oropesa
Kelby Tomlinson 

  • The Rule 5 Draft is for prospects drafted out of college with 4 years of service and HS draftees and International signs with 5 years of service time can be selected by other teams in a draft order.  

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