
Friday, December 19, 2014

Kendry Flores is the cost of replacing Panda

So now we learn the true cost of losing Panda, the replacement cost.

getting RHPs Kendry Flores and Luis Castillo from for Casey McGehee.

McGehee gives about the same production offensively, probably a bit of a drop-off defensively. He also comes cheaper at $3.5M versus Pablo's $8.5M or so last year. Maybe we can bring back Vogie now.

Kendry Flores is going to break a lot of hearts in Giant Prospect Prognostication-ville. He was a favorite of the stats crowd for his K/9 - BB/9  efficiency of about 4:1. He may not arrive until 2016 anyway, so a potential piece of the future leaves the franchise. Detractors would point to a bit of a drop off moving from Low-A to High-A as a bit of a warning sign against his chances of making the big squad. In Florida, he has more of a chance to advance. Luis Castillo is a non-prospect IMO.


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