
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hats off to Hollywood and Wealth Inequality and Armored car rides to safety when the revolution comes!!!

I haven't changed my opinion that the voting on the Oscars exist to make the BBWAA Hall of Fame voting look legitimate.

Hollywood speaking out against wage/wealth inequality is almost as bad as Al Sharpton talking about how "Bush lied". You might want to get a different messenger. 

At least in good company with the women who champion Fifty Shades of Grey and then rant about domestic violence and date rape. Talk about actively participating in your own demise. There are probably worse examples in the course of human history, but this one could be in the team picture. 

Neal Patrick Harris gets early candidate for quote of the year with his joke about these tool-bags (and many others ) needing an "armored car ride to safety when the revolution comes". 

You're preaching to the choir there, Champ.  

from PJ Media:
The speech stood in stark contrast to host Neil Patrick Harris's earlier joke about the $160,000 SWAG bags being given to those nominated in the Oscars' top 5 categories. After saying that the bags were loaded with such goodies as two vacations and a $20,000 astrology reading, Harris joked that the bags also contained "an armored car ride to safety when the revolution comes." The stars clad in gold and diamonds responded with appropriate Marie Antoinette-style laughs and gloved claps.

I'm sorry to say I felt compelled to dig deeper when I saw the description of the "goodie bag" included "luxury condoms". I thought what, pray tell, elevates a mere condom to luxury status?

I was left disappointed and deflated. But that's Hollywood for you, Hats off to them!!! 

~;::::::;( )">  ¯\_( )_/¯

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