
Friday, March 06, 2015

Now you know the rest of the story....and ten years earlier than promised

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When Voglesong "flirted" with the Astros prior to re-signing with the Giants this past off-season, he perked up a few ears with this line:
But everything that’s happened to me this offseason — and one of these days I’ll tell you guys all about it, when we’re all sitting around having a couple beers 10 years from now when I’m done playing — and you’ll go, ‘There’s no way that happened,’ and I’ll say “Yup,” and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.” 
Turns out -- from the following article from When the Giants come to Town, quoting Jon Heyman -- there was an interesting detail to the back story. And we didn't have to wait ten years.

from Hardball Talk:
Ryan Vogelsong “really wasn’t comfortable with what was going on” with Astros before returning to Giants | HardballTalk:
According to Evan Drellich of the Houston Chronicle, Vogelsong said the following about the Astros during a conference call yesterday: 
 “I made a visit to Houston and met with A.J. Hinch the manager and the staff, the training staff, and I took a physical — just as the process went along here, really wasn’t comfortable with what was going on. Ultimately, made a decision to come back with the Giants and I’m really just really happy to be back and glad things worked out the way they have.” 
 Vogelsong later was a guest on San Francisco radio station KNBR and again made a vague reference to how his free agency played out: 
 “I feel like I’ve been pushed back here by divine intervention or whatever you want to call it. But everything that’s happened to me this offseason — and one of these days I’ll tell you guys all about it, when we’re all sitting around having a couple beers 10 years from now when I’m done playing — and you’ll go, ‘There’s no way that happened,’ and I’ll say “Yup,” and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.” 
 So was this just a matter of awkward phrasing on the part of Vogelsong or did the Astros do something to turn him off? Well, Vogelsong’s agent, Dave Meier, has since clarified that his client meant to say that he was only “uncomfortable” because negotiations started breaking down, not because of something the Astros did. 
We might never know the whole story, but Vogelsong and the Giants are obviously happy with how things worked out.
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Fast forward to yesterday's news...

from When the Giants Come to Town:
When the Giants Come to Town...:
Sounds like the Houston Astros are being run by a bunch of used car salesmen(sorry if any of you readers are used car salesmen.  Nothing personal).  Jon Heyman is reporting that after agreeing to a 1 year/$4M contract, the Astros came back with a lower offer after viewing Vogey's physical report.  Sound familiar?  That's exactly the same stunt they pulled on first round draft pick Brady Aiken that ended up blowing up in their faces, costing them the signing of not just Aiken but 2 other draft picks they had apparently made promises to contingent upon signing Aiken for the lower amount.  If this report on Vogey's situation is true, the Commish needs to get involved and come down on those scam artists down there.
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