
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Giants Report Card Day

It's actually kind of early for that. We're really only in the middle of the first marking period, but since we have a day off, what better time to evaluate where we are?

Oh lookie, lookie. we're in LAST PLACE!!!  How precious, 9-13 now aren't we the special ones? Actually a game and a half in last place, which technically qualifies as SOLIDLY in last place. You little eager beavers, you Giants. You guys are so cute!!! Yes you are!!!

I guess I didn't notice with all the bling coming off the World Series rings. But hey fellas, enough is enough. We are playing for 2015 now. Yes,  an odd year, I get it. But still. Have some pride and defend the title, would you please? Just a little bit? Please. 

PITCHING - Shitty. I take that back. STARTING PITCHING, especially guys not nicknamed MadBum or Hesto-Presto, SHITTY. Relief pitching has been stalwart as usual. 

Hudson, Vogelsong and Peavy a combined 0-6? Hudson, you can make the case has pitched in bad luck and with a lack of run-support (it is the Giants), but the other two? C'mon man!!! And anybody seen Matt Cain? Anybody? Time to throw a pitch in anger. 

HITTING - Shitty. Surprising and shitty.

HR leader - Brandon Crawford. Surprising. 
RBI leader - Brandon Crawford. Surprising. 
Brandon Crawford Average - .235 Shitty. 
Brandon Crawford spot in the order - 8th. Surprising. 

This only makes sense in the Bizarro-world of the Giants 2015 offense. 

Half the team is hitting well. Pagan at .341, Aoki at .303 and Panik at .280 are the only regulars hitting above average. 

Posey at .253, Maxwell at .255 with some pop, OK for now. 

Arias and Susac off the bench are OK. 

Duffy off the bench is really good. It seems like when he has to carry the bat up there 3-4 times, the load is too much to bear. This could be a problem for the Duffer, who has to decide if he wants to be typecast more as Walt Weiss than Al Weiss. 

Blanco is snoozing through another April. When the weather heats up.....Oh no. I don't want to reinforce another stereotype, let's just say it's coincidence and call it a day. 

Crawford, always vexing with the bat and the hair flips. Thank God for that glove (and that hair) or there'd be a bounty on........never mind. 

McGehee.......I don't know what to say. Bochy is supportive, as he should be. But at some point he has to put the team first. Duffy could help by hitting as well in starts as he does off the bench. The door opened, but it shuts quickly for rooks around here. Ask Conor Gilaspie. 

Sanchez, I don't know what to say. At .148, the bat is not as appealing as it used to be. In a little while, being Timmy's caddy isn't going to be as appealing as it used to be, If it weren't for that role, there might be a bounty on Sanchez' roster spot.

CONDUCT - Needs Improvement (LOL)

He probably missed Puig ( who is making strides in the area of conduct ) and channeled it towards Guerrero. Just the usual Giants - Dodgers heat. No worries, 

So it seems as if all is right in Gigante-land. It's all banners and rings and 2014 highlights, Oh my !!

Oh and having Pence and Cain breaking a sweat wouldn't hurt. Let's just hope we don't slide too far behind before they stop doing towel drills and hitting soft toss. 

Shit, I can do that and I'm older than the speed limit in most states.. 

Enjoy the day off fellas. 

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