
Wednesday, April 08, 2015

NCAA head of officials on controversial play: 'We never saw what everybody saw at home' | Yahoo Sports

So an official had the chance to "get the call right", the mantra that brought instant replay to the table in the first place and ignored replay evidence on the mantle of "protocol". Are you serious?!? And not just any official, the NCAA Head of Officials!?!

Sir, You saw what everybody else saw, you failed to act on it. The fact that you saw it after the refs left the table doesn't mean you sit on it. You already wasted two minutes reviewing what you did have.  You had time to act and correct an error -- the mandate of instant replay -- and failed to do so, PERIOD.

from Yahoo Sports:
NCAA head of officials on controversial play: 'We never saw what everybody saw at home' | The Dagger - Yahoo Sports:
However, after the officials left the monitor and made their ruling, Adams said he saw the zoomed-in view of the ball clearly touching Winslow’s finger. At that point he had the opportunity to quickly make a decision. “I saw it after they had left the monitor, and actually thought about, is it in my prerogative to get up, run over to the table, buzz the buzzer, and tell them to come back and look?” Adams said. “That’s how critical I thought the play was and concluded that this is a job for the guys on the floor. I’ve never done it before. Why would I do it tonight and perhaps change the balance of the game?” 
It’s pretty surprising that Adams wouldn’t blatantly admit that a mistake had been made and even more surprising that he’d admit that he had the opportunity to correct the mistake. To do so, it seems like he would have had to forgo protocol that had been followed with the replay system for the entire season.
Beyond that, Adams seemed to cast a bit of blame toward the review system itself and said that the incident will be looked at moving forward.
“They’d already left. It will be one of the things we will follow up on,” Adams said. “We’ve been told time and time again that nobody at home will see anything you didn’t see. And I will tell you that’s not what happened last night. That’s not an excuse; that’s just laying it out for you.”
He honestly said "Why would I do it tonight and perhaps change the balance of the game?" ?!?!

Fool, by not calling them back and correcting the call, you PERHAPS CHANGED THE BALANCE OF THE GAME. You are charged with getting the call right and you failed to do so!!! And YOU SAW IT, you failed to act on what you saw basing your failure on PROTOCOL?!?

Somebody needs a new job. Or a new spine.

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