
Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Marlins pitcher with borderline illegal pitching motion got demoted to the minors - Yahoo Sports

Not such a BFD, to borrow from Joe Biden. This is pretty much the girls softball standard for an "illegal pitch" so we have the gender equality thing down. I have seen pics where Lincecum is about the same distance in front of the rubber and the ball is still in hand just prior to release. There is another guy, I believe with the Cardinals who does a little "crow hop" in similar fashion to this.

BTW: No such thing as "borderline illegal". That's like being a little bit pregnant. It's either legal or illegal and MLB decided it was legal in their opinion. The fact that a writer or editor decides to be a bit snarky just indicates that they don't agree with MLB's interpretation.

The Marlins pitcher with borderline illegal pitching motion got demoted to the minors - Yahoo Sports:
Miami Marlins relief pitcher Carter Capps has been sent back to the minors after just one appearance during which he caused quite a stir because of his unique delivery.

Capps raised a lot of eyebrows with a delivery that includes a very pronounced "hop" toward the plate before releasing the ball.
The motion gives Capps a big advantage over the hitter because the ball has to travel a shorter distance to the plate. This will make his 98-mph fastball seem even faster, as there is less time for the batter to react.

Major League Baseball ruled that the delivery is legal as long Capps drags his back foot and doesn't elevate.
At the very least, it is easy to see why it could be ruled an "illegal pitch," since Capps takes his pivot foot off of the rubber. Most pitchers do this when pushing toward the plate, but not to this extreme.
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