
Tuesday, May 05, 2015

CARPE DIEM: Chart of the Day


I have often wondered about the point made below. You could make the same question regarding the whole "standardized tests are racially biased" argument, especially the math portion. 2+2=4 fairly universally and without bias. Except under Common Core.

5. Chart of the Day II (above). Minority Asians make 15% more than whites. Is that because of "Asian privilege" or discrimination against whites? Or does it demonstrate that "minority" does not equal "disadvantaged," and the American dream is attainable with hard work? If nothing else, the success of one minority group – Asians – really messes up the standard narrative of white privilege, minorities need affirmative action and special preferences, etc. And it should be noted that the Asians have succeeded in America without any race/grievance hustlers like The Rev. Al Sharpton.

~;::::::;( )">  ¯\_( )_/¯

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