
Monday, June 22, 2015

Family of slain show highest expression of Christianity when confronting lowest expression of humanity » The Right Scoop -

This is also one of the most remarkable things I have seen or heard in quite some time. We spend a lot of time in sports asking "Did you see this?" or Did you see that?" as if these event were the most remarkable thinks we've ever seen. This qualifies and makes some of the other things we go ga-ga over seem rather trivial.

 The good folks of this church displayed remarkable love in the face of unspeakable hate. God Bless them.

Family of slain show highest expression of Christianity when confronting lowest expression of humanity » The Right Scoop -:

There was a remarkable event that happened when the family of those slain by Dylann Roof confronted him as he appeared in court today.

Watch below:

Many saw it as the highest expression of Christianity – those forgiving a monster who had taken their loved ones away and caused them so much pain. It really is an amazing manifestation of the mercy of God. I honestly don’t think I could have that much strength to do the same only a day after the killings.
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