
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Boston columnist: Red Sox need to get rid of Pablo Sandoval | CSN Bay Area

Pablo Sandoval is hitting .171 with no home runs and one RBI over his last 11 games.(USATI)

Sad but predictable result for the man who couldn't keep his mouth shut, in more ways than one. Boston wants to get rid of the Panda after less than one year. Guffaws!!!

from CSNBayArea:

Boston columnist: Red Sox need to get rid of Pablo Sandoval | CSN Bay Area:

 "Pablo Sandoval, who spurned the Giants in free agency and signed a 5-year, $95 million deal with Boston, is hitting .260 with seven home runs and 30 RBI. He has made 12 errors, after committing 11 all last season."

'via Blog this'

I heard one knuckle-headed Bean-towner call in the MLB show on Sirius talking about how much the Giants would want to have Pablo back at current prices. Have you seen Matt Duffy's stats lately Chief?

C'mon guys, I could have told you all about this and probably did. Pablo just looks fatter when his average goes down. It's a smoke and mirrors thing. But hanging out with Hanley Ramirez and David Ortiz sure as shit can't be helping his attitude. Boston leads the majors in braying kick-asses that's for sure.

Maybe if the RedSox ate 90% of the remaining salary, even then put me down for a no. Maybe they can get Pablo to eat the remaining 10%, pun fully intended. If that doesn't work, get David Ortiz, the other big-mouthed, south-bend end of a north bound horse, to help figure out what to do. You guys made this bed together, don't be surprised when you wake-up with fleas. Or worse.

Stay strong Boston. Hate to say I told you so, but....I love to say "I told you so" in this instance. Peace out.

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