
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Speed is a tool that shows up in all the other tools

Speed is the direction baseball is going in the so-called "post-PED period". Power is out, speed is in. We are trading infield hits for HR's and wondering why increasing numbers of people are turning the TV to another channel, another sport. It would be like if the NBA banned the dunk, like college basketball did at one point.

The game IS tedious to watch now, too many no-hit, no-run games into the fifth and sixth innings. Who wants to watch futility? It not even like watching paint dry, which would be bad enough. It's like watching paint peel. It's not the pace of the game so much as the lack of action contained within the game. It doesn't take 2-3 hours to recognize boring.

Maybe we ought to have a "home-first speed derby" and see how many folks show up for that one? Maybe see how many hamstrings we can blow out?

Anyway, speed is the tool that makes the other tools better, it is multi-dimensional, so here we go:
Here is the 8 point system some organizations use: 

80 - Exceptional 
70 - W. Above Avg. 
60 - Above Avg. 
50 - Average 
40 - Bellow Avg. 
30 - W. Bellow Avg. 
20 - Poor 

60 Yard time: 
80 - 6.4 Less 
70 - 6.60 - 6.51 
60 - 6.80 - 6.61 
50 - 7.00 - 6.81 
40 - 7.30 - 7.01 
30 - 7.50 - 7.31 
20 - 7.70 - 7.51 

Home to 1B LHB 
80 - 3.9 
70 - 4.0 
60 - 4.1 
50 - 4.2 
40 - 4.3 
30 - 4.4 
20 - 4.5 

Home to 1B  RHB 
80 - 4.0 
70 - 4.1 
60 - 4.2 
50 - 4.3 
40 - 4.4 
30 - 4.5 
20 - 4.6 

Steal of second base 
80 - 3.00 Less 
70 - 3.10 - 3.01 
60 - 3.15 - 3.11 
50 - 3.25 - 3.16 
40 - 3.30 - 3.24 
30 - 3.40 - 3.29 
20 - 3.60 - 3.48

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