
Thursday, October 01, 2015

Kudos to the Kiddos in Courtney Phillips, Give them a high-five for me

Once in while I get a communication in my in-box that reminds me why I continue to do what I do. The following e-mail from Courtney Phillips and the kids in her after school care program was one such example.

I'm a little embarrassed because if you look at the history trivia site they referenced from and compare it against mine, they are going to learn more about baseball following their tutor then they will from my web site. Holy Cow!! I thought I knew baseball trivia and I picked up some things I never knew before.

So kudos to the kids and if you see Ms. Phillips, give her and the kids a well deserved high-five. They are obviously doing awesome work together combining baseball and education.

Keep up the good work and high-five right back at you.

P.S. - I've been kind of busy with issues relating to our relocation from Illinois to Florida and with the depression surrounding my Giants getting eliminated, which somewhat explains the paucity of posts recently, but this was too good to pass up. It made my day.

from my e-mail:

My name is Courtney and I'm a mentor and tutor for a small group of kids in my local area. My class and I wanted to give you a shout and send you some virtual "high-fives" on your page, We've been collecting baseball resources for a project and decided to bookmark your page.

Since we decided to bookmark your page, the kids thought it'd be a brilliant idea to send you a great page on baseball history they enjoyed, . They figured it'd be a great fun resource to add with your other baseball resources on your page. Do you mind adding it? They'd feel so accomplished knowing others could learn from it, just like them.

We'd love to hear any feedback you have...maybe even a "high-five" back. :P

Thank you for your time,
Courtney Phillips


Tickets to to the Past: Baseball History Trivia

Baseball has been referred to as the "great American pastime," but is it really an American invention? As with most games, baseball has its origins in several other games found throughout history, but the game we see today was perfected in the United States. Baseball enjoyed a meteoric growth in the early 20th century, and it was hard to get a ticket to any baseball game anywhere in the eastern part of the United States. The game has grown and has seen its share of scandal and triumph, but there is always something about the American public that continues to save baseball from extinction. Do you know your baseball facts? How well would you do if asked a question about the American game of baseball?
  • The origins of baseball go as far back as 1344, to a French game known as "la soule." Early drawings of the game depict actions very similar to modern baseball.
  • The British believe that baseball and cricket both evolved from an early British game called tut-ball in the middle 18th century. Another British game called rounders was also seen as part of baseball's origins.
  • Abner Doubleday is credited with inventing baseball. But in reality, the Civil War veteran had no interest in sports throughout his entire life.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 30, 2015 at 11:18:05 AM EDT
To: Courtney Phillips
Subject: Re: comments on Eagle Baseball Club webpage

That's awesome!! How about if I post it first to my blog, which I think gets a bit more exposure? I have to have my web site person drop it on the links page, that may take a week or so.

Thanks for all you do for kids and for generating an interest in the greatest game ever invented.

Sample from the blog:

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