
Friday, June 16, 2017

Listen to 6-2 Mike Krukow talks about the Giants needs in Podcasts

Finally!! An acknowledgment that the Giants are just playing losing baseball on all fronts. And this from one of the teams greatest apologists on-air. I am tired of the pundits and the scribes repeating the may the Giants are just getting BABIP'd to death or the pitching staff is "unlucky" all the freaking time.

Matt Moore is not unlucky.
Matt Moore has no control and no command of his stuff.
In or out of the strike zone. He hangs it, they bang it. Consistently. MISTAKES.
One is an anomaly, two is a coincidence, three or more is a trend.
Matt Moore is in a deep trend.
He must miss his spots more than anybody in the league.
Let's see that metric.

His FIP -- which removes BABIP, allegedly -- is the worst on the staff.
So are all the other relevant metrics.

Sometimes you just suck. Own it and grow from it. Acknowledgment of the problem is the first step.
W-L shouldn't stand for Winning and Losing, is should be Winning and Learning. Making excuses for mistakes inhibits/delays/retards Learning. STOP IT!! Just STOP IT!!

Hopefully the Krukow epiphany is happening behind closed doors in this clubhouse. Somebody needs to trash a post-game spread or two on this team which is to say step up and lead.

Looking at you Posey. Looking at you Pence. Looking at you Belt. You're getting big money now. Looking at you Crawford. Ditto on the contract.

These are the guys on the field every day  drawing large dollars. We seem to have a lot of dead money on the pitching staff, if there is also a lot of dead money in the everyday lineup, this becomes DEAD TEAM WALKING.

Right now it seems like the team needs a heart transplant. Hopefully, just a stent or two.
Enough is enough.

Listen to 6-2 Mike Krukow talks about the Giants needs from Kruk & Kuip in Podcasts.

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