
Thursday, August 10, 2017

'Tebow Effect' Paid Off For Sally League Clubs |

'Tebow Effect' Paid Off For Sally League Clubs |

No denying that there was a purely business component to this signing right from the get-go, primarily from the Mets standpoint. But when are people going to give this guy credit for his accomplishments?

He's doing even better in High-A than he was in the Sally League, showing legitimate power, even to the opposite field, after putting the game down for ten years.

Remember that was supposed to be a lark for Timmy. He was going to make a fool of himself and major league baseball. Hasn't happened. Time to give credit where credit is due.

If the Mets are out of it and bring him up in September, so what? He's earned it.

The same fools that hate this guys and ran him out of the NFL now want us to feel sorry for Colin Kaperdink.

F-you, ESPN, NFL, SJW's of all stripes and especially BLM ass-hats. You folks, and your ilk, ran Tebow out of the league for kneeling to God and now you want this POS Kapershit back in the league for kneeling to piss on the flag and this country?

Don't need y'all and don't miss y'all and apparently neither does Tim Tebow.

ESPN = garbage network
NFL = garbage league

from Baseball America:

'Tebow Effect' Paid Off For Sally League Clubs

Tim Tebow has brought in tens of thousands of extra fans to South Atlantic League games this year.
Tim Tebow has been promoted to the Florida State League and has played his last game in the South Atlantic League. On pure baseball terms, it's fair to say that a 29-year-old outfielder who hit .220/.311/.336 is as forgettable as a prospect could be.
But at the box office, Tebow is the greatest star the South Atlantic League has ever seen.

When we first wrote about the "Tebow effect" on fan attendance a little over a month ago, we calculated that Tebow was worth roughly 2,200 fans per game whenever the Columbia Fireflies hit the road. Since then, the Tebow Effect grew.
In comparing what teams have drawn in games where they played host to Tebow teams versus the rest of their home schedule without Tebow, it now appears that Tebow was worth 2,591 fans per game when the Fireflies were on the road.
To explain it more simply, there are 14 teams in the Sally League this year, but through Tebow's final game on June 25, nearly one of every four fans who have walked through the gate at a Sally League game has done so to see Tebow's Columbia Fireflies play.

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