
Friday, January 05, 2018

Giants 2018 Prospects: Hitters Edition


Last week I posted my analysis of the Giants pitching prospects as I view them today.

Today, we'll look at the hitting prospects.

Currently, LF looks like SOSDD. If it's not Jarrett Parker v. Mac Williamson 2.0 (Yuck), the best hitting prospect I see is Heath Quinn and I'm not sure he would rise to perhaps the Andrew Susac level as a hitter. Not bad, but not enough. The light should have gone on for Parker and Williamson for that matter. It hasn't.

Of the two CF prospects, I like Duggar's approach over Brian Reynolds. The power potential for Reynolds, is not quite like Parker/Williamson, etc. but one of them has to take command of the position soon.

Aramis Garcia looks the part of a solid backup catcher, but I thought he would hit better than he has to date. He is 25+, so you have to see what you have there, or he moves from prospect to suspect.

On the infield, I like C.J. Hinojosa's hitting approach better than his overall results, which means utility IF at best. The same for Kelvin Beltre at 3B, and it's even harder to be a utility IF at 3B. Jacob Gonzalez flashes the same signals as Beltre, with a smaller sample size. It is good to see a young HS hitter display an advanced, patient approach.

I saved the best for last.

Chris Shaw has a chance to be an elite power hitter. Not quite an advanced hitting approach like Brandon Belt and not quite the same production as Adam Duvall, but maybe a crazy, lower case cross between Belt and Duvall, if that makes any sense. He's a keeper. DO NOT TRADE!!

Heliot Ramos has as good a chance of being the 5-tool type super-star player the Giants have been looking for out of their farm system for many, many years. Also a keeper. DO NOT TRADE!!

It seems as if either Duggar or Reynolds could be included as filler in a trade with Beede / Stratton for either McCutchen or Billy Hamilton. If that's the case, I'd prefer they kept Duggar, but not so much that I would walk away from McCutchen.

It seems like the Giants are leaning towards adding a FA and trading for a piece. DON'T lose the 2nd round pick in this years draft, it appears to be loaded with pitching. Plan A is trade for McCutchen and sign Jay Bruce. Plan B is sign CarGo and trade for Billy Hamilton. See the drop-off? One is a Plan to Contend, the other is a Roadmap to Oblivion.

Anyway, to review the hitter:

+ Propsects:  ChriShaw, Steven Duggar, Heath Quinn and Heliot Ramos 
?? Prospects:  AramiGarcia, C.J. Hinojosa , Brian Reynolds, Kelvin Beltre and Jacob                                         Gonzalez 

I don't have any negative prospects here since none of these guys really came with great expectations. WYSIWYG's

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