
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Pirates trade McCutchen to Giants |

As called....

Pirates trade McCutchen to Giants |

'via Blog this'

I know that many will say the 'Cutch to move to a corner OF spot, but he deserves the right to remind SF of the GOAT, Willie Mays in CF.

Crick is a great turnaround project for Ray Searage. Reynolds is a couple of years away and behind Duggar for future CF. I cannot believe that they could have also had Jay Bruce for 3 yrs. / $39M and low-balled him at a reported $29M for same three years. If they feel they have enough bats now, they go for a low-priced CF like Dyson, or Billy Hamilton, whose price just went down. Carlos Gonzalez could still be in the picture if you're sure about 'Cutch in CF for a full season.

I like  the lineup as is and I think Shaw could be the OF bat as soon as 2018.

So far, Arroyo, Reynolds and Crick leveraged into Longoria and McCutchen. Two faces of the franchise, great leadership kind of guys. I like the composition of the team now and for the immediate future. The lineup tilts a bit heavy to the 30+ crowd, but for now, I'm OK with it.

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