
Sunday, April 01, 2018

There is no ‘epidemic of mass school shootings’ - children are more at risk when they ride in a car, swim in a pool, or put food in their mouths - AEI

There is no ‘epidemic of mass school shootings’ - children are more at risk when they ride in a car, swim in a pool, or put food in their mouths - AEI:
That’s the conclusion of Eric Levitz writing in New York Magazine:
American children do not “risk their lives” when they show up to school each morning — or at least, not nearly as much as they do whenever they ride in a car, swim in a pool, or put food in their mouths (an American’s lifetime odds of dying in a mass shooting committed in any location is 1 in 11,125; of dying in a car accident is 1 and 491; of drowning is 1 in 1,133; and of choking on food is 1 in 3,461, see chart above). Criminal victimization in American schools has collapsed in tandem with the overall crime rate, leaving U.S. classrooms safer today than at any time in recent memory.

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