
Tuesday, June 05, 2018

The Rays first day Draft

This is a haul that should produce some quick dividends. Getting Liberatore at the 16 spot looks to be the steal of the first round. The Giants were considering him in the #2 spot and nobody would have batted an eye.  

Getting McClanahan, a 14 rank in the 31 spot is another coup. experts comp him to Sale, that may be a bit ambitious, but comp to Scott Kazmir is probably not. 

Nick Schnell looks to be more in the Rays wheelhouse, a HS sleeper pick, whose thumbnail sketch above reads like a Kiermeier clone. And he better be because...

The Rays were on the clock with the #31 and # 32 pick and McClanahan and Jackson Kumar, who some liked better than fellow Gator Brady Singer, and they bypassed Kumar for Schnell. 

No pressure, but the dark horse has to work out for you now or else some will remember that you could have walked away from the first day with your first day picks consisting of Liberatore, McCalahan and Kumar. That would have been an epic 1st three picks. 

Tyler Frank and Tanner Dodson are good picks and skew the Rays more college than HS so far. They seem to be looking for more "out of the box" than their usual "plant and develop" strategy.

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