
Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Bagwell Conspiracy?

Check out this article published in the summer of 2004 and see if it doesn't ring truer now, especially in light of recent events. The Bagwell story slipped behind the shadows after the Grimsley revelations. And who among us as fans have not spent idle time speculating "Does he or doesn't he?....only his personal trainer and most of his teammates know for sure. And maybe an ex-girlfriend or two?

Charles Slavik, NSCA-CPT,*D
President, Eagle Baseball Club, LLC Kane County, Illinois Finest Baseball & Softball Training(813) 335-8678
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The Bagwell Conspiracy?
by Asher B. Chancey, Baseball Evolution

At the beginning of the 2004 season, a buddy and I engaged in adebate about whether Jeff Bagwell used steroids. While initially notconvinced that Bagwell used steroids, circumstantial evidence pointsnot only to the conclusion that Bagwell used steroids, but also tothe conclusion that he stands at the center of the baseball world asthe steroid ring leader, the root of all steroid usage in the league.In fact, all major league steroid use can be traced directly to the Houston Astros first baseman.

Unbeknownst to the general baseball public, steroid use began inearnest with the 1992 Astros. Up to that point in his career, Bagwellhad not yet developed his power-stoke, and in 1992 he set out to dosomething about it. Bagwell began pumping iron maniacally, andjuicing up, and the difference quickly became evident. Bagwell'steammates were immediately impressed with his increase in size andproduction and demanded that he share the wealth.

Pete Incaviglia haunted Bagwell for months, following him through theclubhouse and cajoling him for a sample of the special juice.Incaviglia had joined the Astros in 1992, several years removed fromthe productive part of his career, and saw divine providence in his chance discovery of Bagwell's magic potion.

Once he finally convincedBagwell to share, he immediately began juicing and pumping throughthe end of the season with an eye on 1993. Released by the Astrosthat winter, he signed with the Philadelphia Phillies in December. Ashe gathered his things from the clubhouse at the Astrodome, Bagwellwas there to help him pack, slipping him a "goodie bag" on his wayout of the clubhouse.(more of the story, clik on link to continue)

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