
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dan Patrick and Keith Olberman discuss Pujols Off the Juice

I'm sorry, that's how I heard it. I must be one jaded SOB, though. Really they did a great job of saying,

"Son of a bitch, I wish I could say this stuff about Bonds, because then we'd be able to twist it into proof positive that he's on something, but for God's sake it's Pujols. Shit, we like him, it just can't be! Do I trust my eyes, or my preconceived notions, biases and prejudices! Dammit, now I'm really confused!! God, I hate this shit, why couldn't it be Bonds."

Oh shoot, don't believe me, listen for yourself. I heard this myself as it was broadcast, but I have to credit the good folks at Steroid Nation for having the link to an audio of the broadcast. You can't make this stuff up. Of course, they can't resist taking a shot at Bonds at the end. No story about BALCO or Bonds various difficulties seem to end in a Pujols joke. Just helping everyone keep score at home. And in case you are scoring, it's spelled H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S. F#$%^&G HYPOCRITES!!

Steroid Nation link:

What a shame when these guys can't get the facts to square up to reality. But never let it be said that the facts need to get in the way of a good story.

And don't forget to read the story of the Grimsley Affadavit and the famous redacted names:

Yes, interesting, whatever happened to those redacted names? Shouldn't we be having a leak of those names anytime soon, or a congressional inquiry or something. I suspect we know the reason why those names haven't seen the light of day. The names will soil the reputations of white, popular players. When I'm proven wrong about this, let me know. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting though, and neither should you. And in the interest of the health, safety and well-being of all the youth of America, neither should they.

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