
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Illegal Immigration and Tasering fans who illegally migrate onto the field


Two events took place a few weeks back that have striking similarities IMO.

The Arizona Immigration Law and the Tasering of Fans at sports venues. While most people instinctively support law enforcement efforts to stop ILLGEAL TRESPASSERS with considerable force if necessary in the tasering of fans example. However, they reflexively cringe at Arizona's efforts to protect their citizens within the confines of their borders.

Other than the bogus racial profiling charge, I'm not sure I see where there is any difference.

Tea Party, Meet the Tequila Party – The Rule of Law vs. the Law of Rule

- By Resa LaRu Kirkland

It is literally against the law to come to this country without following the rules, and has been for over a century now. My forefathers had to check in at Ellis Island, have a skill, a place to live, a plan for their lives here, they had to be free of disease or quarantined until they were safe, they had to be free of a criminal record, learn English, swear allegiance, know our history, and be an asset to the land, not a millstone around its neck.

We either have the Rule of Law or we have the Law of Rule, that is, he who rules makes whatever law he damned well wants to make. Our fore-fathers followed the laws and were happy to do so, for they knew there was security in creating a unified country whose members played by the same rules and were subject to the same laws. All we have now is splintered favoritism, and the only rule for being part of the favored groups is apparently how many laws you’re willing to rape.

Yet the current crop of illegals think it’s somehow different for them, that they shouldn’t have to follow the same rules that the ancestors of white Americans had to follow. They believe they should be exempt.

And we’re the arrogant ones?

prior story posted on The Publius Forum:


Fox News Poll: Arizona Was Right to Take Action on Immigration

Most American voters think Arizona was right to pass its own immigration law, and think the Obama administration should wait and see how the new law works rather than try to stop it, according to a Fox News poll released Friday.

The new poll finds 61 percent of voters nationally think Arizona was right to take action instead of waiting for the federal government to do something on immigration. That's more than twice as many as the 27 percent who think securing the border is a federal responsibility and Arizona should have waited for Washington to act.

Phillies fan tasered on field: Too much? (Poll)

Tasering the teen



Total Votes: 2158

Next to inflation, majority rule is the most ingenious scheme ever contrived by government. Most people have never dared to question the basic morality or logic in the assumption that the majority should have power over the minority.

A majority of the people in the South once believed in black slavery. Did that make it moral? A lynch mob is majority rule stripped of its fancy trappings and its facade of respectability.

In a community where homosexuals outnumber heterosexuals, should the majority have the right to outlaw sex between married partners of the opposite sex?

In a community where atheists outnumber non- atheists, should the majority have the right to outlaw the practice of religion? ... a dictatorship allows only a small number of people to interfere with the rights of others, a democracy makes it possible for great numbers of people to impose their will on others -- through the force of government.

Is an act of aggression more right if carried out by the majority than by a dictator? Since approximately half the eligible voters vote this means that approximately 75% of the people are ruled by 25% of the people.

Robert J. Ringer, American Writer

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