
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The NAACP went looking for Tea Party racism and all we get is a lousy T-shirt?

You can't make this stuff up. If it wasn't such a serious topic this would be comical. But the NAACP comes off looking like the child who cried wolf too many times and wasn't listened to when the wolf actually arrived.

And therein lies the dilemma presented to society by these hate mongers.

Let the record show that since the NAACP has been looking far and wide for racism in the Tea Party and all they have found was one lousy T-shirt?

If we are going to have this much ballyhooed discussion on race that these guys profess to want to have, should we not at least take care to get the facts right?

Good people do not feel the great need to come to the table and be lied about and slandered by others.
That is why there is no conversation.

Story from


Last night, the NAACP‘s Hilary Shelton appeared on O’Reilly to talk about its new website designed to track tea party racism, and asked that the party repudiate any racism by rally attendees. But the problem, as O’Reilly pointed out, is that the party had already done that. Still, Shelton claimed that racism continues. But when pressed for an example, he admitted “the closest things we’ve seen so far is we saw a t-shirt at one the rallies that said something really problematic.” What did it say? Shelton wouldn’t elaborate.
Perhaps they would do well to remember the following quote and review and learn from history instead of trying to lie about it ot re-write it to fit their narrative and agenda.



Hey, Walter Fauntroy, the Ku Klux Klan was the Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party

At the National Press Club, Walter Fauntroy falsely accused the Tea Party of having ties to the Ku Klux Klan. In the many years Fauntroy was Delegate for the District of Columbia, he was a member of Congressional Black Caucus, an organization that excludes people on the basis of race. Blind to his hypocrisy, he has falsely accused a political movement open to all races, the Tea Party, of being racist. Speaking at the National Press Club, Fauntroy said: “We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty, that the Ku Klux — I meant to say the Tea Party… You all forgive me, but I — you have to use them interchangeably.”

Now is the time to speak Truth to Power.

It would have been far more truthful for Mr. Fauntroy, who is a Democrat, to have admitted the fact that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist wing of his own political party. Yes, the Ku Klux Klan was established by the Democratic Party. Yes, the Ku Klux Klan murdered thousands of Republicans — African-American and white — in the years following the Civil War. Yes, the Republican Party and a Republican President, Ulysses Grant, destroyed the KKK with their Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.
How did the Ku Klux Klan re-emerge in the 20th century? For that, the Democratic Party is to blame.


And what is that saying about those who live in glass houses? Maybe we should worry more about racism and xenophobia from Floyd Mayweather and 50 Cent.


The racist and homophobic remarks spewed by Floyd Mayweather Jr. in an attack on Manny Pacquiao last week in a self-made Internet video has elicited a strong rebuke from the National Federation of Filipino American Associations.

The NaFFAA, a private, non-profit organization that promotes the active participation of Filipino Americans in civic and national affairs, "strongly condemned" Mayweather for his attack on Pacquiao, an icon in his home country.

"We are outraged by Mayweather's racially offensive remarks," Greg Macabenta, the NaFFAA's national chairman, said in a statement. "This disgusting diatribe against Pacquiao is a racial slur against all Filipinos and Filipino Americans and an embarrassment not only to the boxing community, but to all Americans. Talking trash may be common between boxing rivals, but Mayweather's racially laced profanities brazenly crossed the line of decency and respectability. Pacquiao, on the other hand, has taken the high road and acted like the gentleman that he is."

"At a time when immigrant communities are being viewed with increasing suspicion and mistrust, Mayweather's cruel, abusive and hurtful remarks can only stoke more hostility, derision and resentment against individuals who look foreign by virtue of their looks, their size or the sound of their names. Coming from a boxing celebrity with millions of fans around the world, Mayweather's shameless and reckless conduct unfairly paints an entire racial and ethnic group with a broad brush and seriously undermines America's core values of inclusivity and racial tolerance."

In the video, which has been widely circulated on the Internet, Mayweather repeatedly insulted Pacquiao with racist comments and derided his English-language skills, even though English is his second language.

Mayweather also used a homophobic slur against him, called him a "whore" and repeated his accusation that Pacquiao uses performance-enhancing drugs, even though Mayweather has never produced a shred of evidence.

"As soon as we come off vacation, we're going to cook that little yellow chump," Mayweather said of Pacquiao, whom he has refused to fight after two rounds of failed negotiations.

Among his other comments, Mayweather said, "Once I stomp the midget, I'll make that mother f----- make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice."

At another point in the video, Mayweather said, "We gonna cook that mother f----- with some cats and dogs. ... Rice with [a] little bit of cat, rice with a little bit of barbecued dog."

Mayweather offered a video apology the following day. In that video, Mayweather said of his remarks, "Forgive me for saying what I said. I was just having fun. I didn't really mean it. Nothing in a bad way. So let's stay on this roller coaster ride and keep riding, baby. It's all love."


From the New York Post:

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is mounting a campaign against 50 Cent after the rapper tweeted threatening comments to blogger Perez Hilton last week, including a violent photo of two men in suits running from a mob.
"Perez Hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better," read the tweet with the photo attached.
Fitty also Tweeted Hilton: "stop being so sensitive its a joke. Your acting like a big baby" and, "my next song will make your sweet ass dance lol chill out."

A rep for 50 Cent had no comment. But it wasn't the first time Fitty's run afoul of the gay community. He told Playboy in a 2004 interview, "I ain't into faggots. I don't like gay people around me, because I'm not comfortable with what their thoughts are . . . I'd rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that's cool."

His recent Twitter posts have also taken aim at unborn children and pregnant women: "I wanna do something that impact kids in a positive way, thats why im opening an abortion clinic. Ima call it 50/50 chance," one of them read.

On Friday, Fitty used nearly a dozen tweets to defend his friend, boxer Floyd Mayweather, who was arrested on charges of theft relating to a domestic-abuse complaint by his former girlfriend Josie Harris, the mother of three of his children.
"Another case of angry baby mama wanting money," he wrote.

There you go, 50 Cent defending Floyd Mayweather, it seems as if idiot birds of a feather flock together. It should be easier for the NAACP to find racism in their own back yard than it will be to find it from with the Tea Party. Now "manufacturing racism", that's another story, But one that it seems like the NAACP is rather good at.

Maybe the NAACP if they are true to their name and true to their mandate, should look in another direction for both the cause and the cure for some of the major ills facing Black America.


'Tea Party Tracker': Doesn't the NAACP have better things to do?
By Sophia A. Nelson

9:22 AM on 09/02/2010

From the NAACP's official website:
We are satisfied that on August 28 [at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally], there were few overt signs of racism -- however, we remain committed to holding the Tea Party to their word. Our coalition watchdog website,, will serve as evidence of this ongoing vigilance of extremism within the Tea Party movement.

The NAACP has always believed in the promise of America - a promise built on mutual respect, common civility, and hope for a better tomorrow. Together, we will continue to do our part to ensure that the Tea Party reflects these values as well.

Here we go again. I had hoped that the NAACP might have learned a valuable lesson from the events of this past summer (i.e., Shirley Sherrod, its first scuffle with the Tea Party and anti-racism Resolutions, etc.) but apparently not.

Let me be crystal clear about what I am going to write next so that there is no misunderstanding -- you ready -- buckle up: Racism is not the biggest problem facing black America. Period. Black America is the biggest problem facing black America. That's right I said it. It's time we had some real grown-up talk and stop using race as an excuse for all that ails us when looking inward would serve our community a whole lot better.

Of course racism exists in America. How could it not? Our very founding and institutions were built on racist principles (that ought to go over well with my conservative friends). Slavery was legally sanctioned in America until 1863. Jim Crow - or racial segregation - was legally sanctioned in 1896 with the Plessey v. Ferguson decision and stayed the law of the land until the Brown v. Board decision in 1954. Yes, yes, yes racism is real and its vestiges are still with us, but racism is not the biggest threat to what is wrong in black America and the NAACPknows this better than most.

Let me just give you a snapshot of what you already know but may have forgotten in the busyness of your own lives: Fact - black male unemployment in this current recession has been at Great Depression levels in many American cities. The out of wedlock birth rate for black children is well over 65 percent approaching 70 percent according to most statistics.

As noted black historian Dr. Lerone Bennett. wrote recently, "A black child had a better chance of growing up with both of his parents in slavery than he does now." The black marriage rate has declined dramatically since the 1970s. The black divorce rate has soared in the past two decades. Black on black crime and violence in the past two decades in cities like Detroit, Chicago, Camden, St. Louis, Oakland, Cleveland, Birmingham, etc. has caused more death and destruction in our communities than all of the lynchings of black people (that we know of) that took place in the Jim Crow South. And I simply do not have space here to talk about the black male incarceration rates, the AIDS crisis and black women, drug use, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and everything else that is seemingly plaguing the black community at large in alarming rates.

Now hear me out before you lose oxygen and go all weak at the knees out there -- my fellow black Americans we have got to put a stop to this game that is being played on us every single election cycle without fail. I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, or Independent. We deserve better and should demand it. Every two years and every four years we can count on the same old garbage being dumped on us: The Republicans are racist, watch out for the bogeyman, watch out for the Tea Party, watch out for white folks. I mean come on folks--really?

Why is it that the "race" card is always trotted out in election season, and why is it always trotted out on us? We are treated as if somehow education, higher taxes, crime, national security, and a better quality of life don't matter to us, when no community out there needs more action and help in this area than does the black community.

Here is my point: the NAACP has fresh young leadership in Ben Jealous and Roslyn Brock. Both are exceptionally bright and energetic. But authorizing Tea Party tracking sites that monitor allegedly racist behavior is simply stunning to me.

What does that have to do with fixing what is broken in black America? In the final analysis, I would rather see theNAACP's wisdom and energy spent focusing on policing "us" and our own community so that we can redefine a better, healthier, more prosperous destiny for the next generation to come. When the NAACP gets back to its core mission and values, I will renew my membership and support it wholeheartedly!

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