
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Fed floats the prospect of QE3 and the markets react....

HISTORY MAY NOT REPEAT, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE IT'S GOING TO RHYME they always do, like a junkie between fixes. Aided and abetted by enablers in Congress, who get their own little "fix". All these various and sundry crises' are mere acts in a play to set the stage for what these guys really want -- another fix.

What we need (at the Fed, in the White House and in Congress) is for someone who acts like the mother is this scene from Basketball Diaries. Just a little integrity and courage to do the right thing even if it hurts someone you love deeply, but hardly recognize anymore.

We're hooked on out of control debt and consumption, have been for many years.
(and that includes the time period where Clinton patrolled the White House, some seem to not want to face up to that fact)

That's the current state of our country, our economy and our politics. Watch it and weep.
(Caution: bad language alert)

Basketball Diaries - "Mom, Can you give me some money ?!"

Ron Paul schools Ben Bernanke again today:

In five minutes of questioning, RP covered the fallacy of lies that is the CPI, the futility of the various QE and bailout programs and where the money SHOULD have gone and so much more. A very good, very concise five minutes of questioning. And I thought he could have really drilled him harder. Bernanke was on the ropes and clueless on the Gold question.

If you don't understand how badly Paul spanks Bernanke here, you don't get it and you never will.

Ron Paul asks Bernanke, "Is Gold Money?". Bernanke's response: PRICELESS!!

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