
Monday, July 11, 2011

Nate the Great tweaked and Giants cultivating future stars

This is a great article from Splashing Pumpkins blog illustrating how some recent tweaks to Giants Nate Schierholtz' stance have provided significant results. More amazing that these adjustments have been made during the season. Kudos to Hensley Meulens and Nate the Great.

from Splashing Pumpkins blog:
A Look at Nate's Batting Stance

There aren't many changes from the stance Nate displayed on July 1st, but I included this image because the camera angle is essentially the same as the angle used in the first image. Compare away!

I'm no hitting guru, but I know that simpler is usually better when it comes to batting stances. By eliminating his leg kick stride, Schierholtz has definitely made his stance simpler. This potentially allows him to see the ball earlier, which leads to all sorts of good things -- better pitch recognition, turning on the inside pitch, etc. And hey, even if the changes don't work out in the long run, we still have this:


Meanwhile, down on the farm it seems as if the top bats in the system are all hitting well enough to provide the type of organizational depth to make deals or overcome injuries and lack of productivity at the major league level.

SF AAA Belt, Brandon RF 4 1 2 1 .330 HR (5)
SF AAA Gillaspie, Conor 3B 4 2 2 2 .296 2 HR (6)
SF AAA Neal, Thomas LF 4 2 3 0 .321 2B (13)
SF AA Dominguez, Chris 3B 3 1 3 1 .315 2B (10)

Baseball America published its mid-season list of top 50 prospects and the Giants placed two on the list, OF Gary Brown and RHP Zack Wheeler. This demonstrates that the course the Giants have taken in recent years -- to build up the farm system and walk away from the signing of or trading for high-priced veterans -- is about to bear fruit and should be maintained. As enticing as it is to imagine a Jose Reyes or Carlos Beltran in the middle of the lineup, if the cost to obtain one of those stars is mortgaging the future, I say no. A Soriano - Zito type swap is more in order.

33 Gary Brown, of, Giants
35 Zack Wheeler, rhp, Giants

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