
Friday, April 06, 2012

Are the Giants now an elite NFL franchise?

Of course, I always thought they were.

OK, OK, not always.

But given their most recent -- and once again (aren't they all) surprise -- Super Bowl victory, is it now possible to claim that the Giants are a top 5, elite NFL franchise?

They now possess the most Super Bowl victories since 1985 (26+ years). Cherry-picking the start date, perhaps....but still. Who else?

Pittsburgh - 6-2 overall in SB's. OK, They still stand at the top of the heap.
49'ers - 5-0 overall in SB's. No doubt. In the team picture as well.
Dallas - 5-3 overall. Maybe a bit of a case for "What have you done for me lately, but still..

After that...

Giants and Packers 4-1 overall. And the Giants win the tie-breaker here (IMO) under the "What have you done for me lately" clause.

After that NE (3-4), Oakland (3-2) and Washington (3-2) have some recent history warts.
Buffalo (0-4) and Minnesota (0-4) get points for effort, if not results.

Interesting, that seven are old-NFL franchises versus 3 old-AFL franchises, but you have to be pretty old to remember the old-AFL. Right Joe?

Yeah, I thought so.

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