
Friday, April 06, 2012

This may be the worst cheap shot in the history of baseball | NBC Sports

WOW!! Looks like somebody needs a season long suspension, if not an outright lifetime ban. This would be to prevent him from getting the ass-beating he probably deserves. Although, he may get that down the road in some way, shape or form. Karma is a female dog.

I guess it's tough when you have to live up to the team nickname - "The Fighting Artichokes".

This may be the worst cheap shot in the history of baseball (video) | Off the Bench:

"It happened in an Arizona JC baseball game between Scottsdale Community College, in the green, and Yavapai Community College, on March 29. It’s probably the most egregious cheap shot I’ve seen in baseball — straight from the Gregg Williams school of headhunting. Keep your eye on second base in the video below: the Scottsdale batter lays down a sacrifice bunt, and something happens in the first-base area, which is out of frame, that starts tempers flaring. The Scottsdale player who got bunted over to second is standing on the bag, watching the action, when out of nowhere the Yavapai left fielder runs in at full speed and delivers a vicious body block from behind."



This was taken from the Yavapai Collage web site :

YC Response to Baseball Video
Official Response to March 29 Baseball Incident

Last updated: 4/7/2012 6:15:27 PM

Yavapai College and the Athletic Department aspire to the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play. In no way do we condone the behavior as recorded in the video, which occurred on March 29, 2012 at the Yavapai versus Scottsdale Community College baseball game. The YC player involved was immediately suspended by the college and will be suspended from play for the rest of the season. The college has implemented this action and will continue to work with the Arizona Community College Athletic Conference (ACCAC) on current and future sanctions following conference procedures. Per conference rules team members from both teams involved in the on field incident have already served their suspensions.

Mr. Scott Farnsworth

YC Athletic Director

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