
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Even for Olbermann, this is pathetic -

I hate to say, "I told you so", but.....he's on the "Shovel List" ( Persons I'd Most Like to See Smashed in the Face with a Shovel Award ) for a reason. Maybe I'm just a decent judge of character? ;) Oh yeah!!!

How many networks ( real or made-up ) does this guy have to go through before people realize "once a d-bag, always a d-bag"?

Even for Olbermann, this is pathetic

"As someone who carries the sword and shield of an open-minded humanitarian, Olbermann has a terrible time getting along with others. And his most active activism has always been on behalf of himself. He has spent so much company time writing long, self-extolling missives to critics that his laptop once reported him to Human Resources.

And it’s never his fault; it’s always the other guys’ fault. Yet, if we study Olbermann’s employment chart we see how the same TV people who were so eager to get him on their team soon became the same people who were out to get him."

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