
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Zito tosses 4-hitter as Giants avoid 0-4 start | Yahoo! Sports

OK, OK Aubrey, you're right. Of course we who sit outside the lines and merely observe just don't get it and never will. I'll leave aside the issue that we also pay your collective salaries for a moment.

But OK. - You're right Aubrey!!!! You are so right there cowboy!!!!


Zito tosses 4-hitter as Giants avoid 0-4 start - Yahoo! Sports:

''I couldn't be happier for Barry,'' said Giants cleanup hitter Aubrey Huff. ''It's no secret he gets buried by the fans, the media and all. To see him go out there and put up a complete-game shutout in Colorado, all the haters out there - that's for them.''


2007 11-13 4.53 $10M salary 196 IP
2008 10-17 5.15 $14.5M salary 180 IP
2009 10-13 4.03 $18.5M salary 192 IP
2010 9-14 4.15 ERA $18.5M salary 199 IP
2011 3-4 5.87 ERA $18.5M salary 53 IP

Still, almost twice as many millions in salary ( $80M ) than wins.

Silly haters, expecting a player to live up to his contract and junk.

What the heck were we thinking?

I guess the Giants theory is "throw enough $100M contracts on the bump" and eventually some victories will stick.

Sounds like a viable plan.

Of course, we are crowing about a 1-3 record, the three losses coming against our chief competitor for the division. I guess I'm missing something there as well.

But OK, have your moment Aubrey!!

While all us haters are eating humble pie, just know that we have a serving of "just shut up and hit" for you.

Thanks Aubrey. Thanks Barry.

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