
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why didn't teams see Jeremy Lin's potential?

For me, this is the question that make the Jeremy Lin story so interesting and compelling. How did so many teams miss? How did he keep his confidence when so many "experts" were telling him he wasn't good enough? It's a testimony to his strength and perseverance.

Why didn't teams see Jeremy Lin's potential?:

"Linsanity blindsided Kobe Bryant, so much that the future Hall of Famer took weeks to properly word his frustration.

His target? The front-office talent evaluators who failed to draft Jeremy Lin, cut him from two NBA teams and sent him to the Development League four times.

"They would all be fired if I was owning a team," he said before an All-Star Game practice session in February. "I hear this stuff about how he came out of nowhere, and I think it's a load of crap. You can't play that well and just come out of nowhere. There has to be something there, and everybody missed it.""

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