
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Armstrong 'protected' from 2005 hotel raid - lawyer - Yahoo! Sports

This kind of blows a hole in the "well he passed every test" argument. Easy to pass a test when you have all the answers.

Armstrong 'protected' from 2005 hotel raid - lawyer - Yahoo! Sports

"On Saturday Michel Rieu, the scientific adviser to France's national anti-doping agency the AFLD claimed Armstrong was "warned before all doping controls". 
"The inspectors had a lot of trouble carrying out random checks. Armstrong was always tipped off in advance, so he still had twenty minutes to cover his tracks," Rieu told the paper. 
 "He could thin his blood or replace his urine. He used the EPO (erythropoietin) only in small quantities, so it was no longer there to detect. We were powerless against this.""

'via Blog this'

So that just leaves us with the question of how someone beats not only cancer, but all his competitors -- who no reasonable person argues -- are cheating, BY NOT CHEATING?!?!!

Kind of argues against the efficacy of cheating in the first place, in which case -- WHY ALL THE TESTING AND HAND - WRINGING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Armstrong, who finishing second in the Power of Four mountain bike race in Colorado on Saturday, insisted afterwards that "I'm more at ease now than I've been in 10 years," and said his cancer foundation, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars to fight the disease, would remain "unaffected by all the noise out there."
If we can get an answer to that question, then we can all be more at ease.

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