
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dallas Cowboys -- Jason Garrett says Dez Bryant's rules about accountability - ESPN Dallas

Perhaps a bit of schadenfreude here, but as a Giant fan,  it feels good to know that the guy the Cowboys offense is counting on to carry them past the G-men still needs a baby sitter. In the interest of full disclosure, I have most of those same restrictions imposed on me by Mrs. TheSlav. I just don't need a baby sitter.

from ESPN Dallas:
Dallas Cowboys -- Jason Garrett says Dez Bryant's rules about accountability - ESPN Dallas:

"Some of the guidelines say Bryant has a midnight curfew, can't drink alcohol or attend strip clubs and must have a security team taking him to and from team functions, practices and games."

'via Blog this'

Schadenfreude, schadenfreude how can something be so wrong when at times it just seems soooooo right?

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