
Monday, December 31, 2012

Big Blue gets its win, but not help it needed as Giants miss playoffs - NYPOST

If this team had spent more time playing hard ALL the time and less time waiting to play hard until it's collective backs were pressed firmly against the wall, they would not have needed anyone's help to make the playoffs.

from the NY Post:
Big Blue gets its win, but not help it needed as Giants miss playoffs -

“There’s no shoulda, coulda, wouldas or what might have been,’’ Antrel Rolle said. “Our season ends today. Earlier in the week, I said if we had pride and we cared about our profession, we cared about being Giants, it would show on Sunday and I think it definitely showed up today.’’

'via Blog this'

You should play hard ALL the time merely as an indication that you are a professional athlete.  Even six year olds have it drilled into their heads that it's all good as long as you do your best. This team seems like a collection of guys who have either forgotten that basic lesson or are not as smart as your average six year old.

This is on the coaching staff. You can't tell me that a team that would dog it or lose focus when their backs were NOT against the wall on Sunday, did not display those characteristics the other six days of the week.

And don't give me that nonsense how you shouldn't have to motivate professional athletes. It's done ALL the time.  Wasn't part of the rationale for bringing Tim Tebow into the Jets locker room to "motivate" Mark Sanchez? Now, if we are to believe the genius QB gurus of ESPN ("Jaws" Jaworski and Trent Dilfer) Mark Sanchez would be a great QB if he wasn't pushed by Tebow (or anyone else for that matter). He's in the fish bowl that is being a QB of a NY city football team and he has "shy bladder sydrome"? And this guy is going to be a great QB? Maybe the Jets should be the first team without a backup QB. So little Marky-Mark doesn't get his itty-bitty feelings hurt?

Both teams in the Met Life Bowl need a good flush.

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