
Wednesday, January 02, 2013


"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid. That's why the Marxist vision of man without God must eventually be seen as an empty and a false faith—the second oldest in the world—first proclaimed in the Garden of Eden with whispered words of temptation: 'Ye shall be as gods.' The crisis of the Western world, Whittaker Chambers reminded us, exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to God... This is the real task before us: to reassert our commitment as a nation to a law higher than our own, to renew our spiritual strength. Only by building a wall of such spiritual resolve can we, as a free people, hope to protect our own heritage and make it someday the birthright of all men." —Ronald Reagan


In his sermon for the beatification of Blessed (now Saint) Joan of Arc in 1909, Pope Saint Pius X spoke of the heroism of Blessed Joan and contrasted it with the timidity of so many Catholics in our day: "In our time more than ever" said Pius, "the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men ... All the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easy- going weakness of Catholics. Oh! If I might ask the Divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: What are those wounds in the midst of Thy hands? The answer would not be doubtful: With these was I wounded in the house of them that loved Me. I was wounded by My friends, who did nothing to defend Me, and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries. And this reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries."

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