
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MLB seeking to ID at-risk players in wake of Jovan Belcher murder-suicide, sources say - ESPN

Profiling, but in a good way. Sadly, steps like this may be way overdue. Just as in the Ken Caminiti debacle, it frustrates me to know that in such a close, family-like situation like a locker room or a clubhouse, that brothers didn't know the pain and stress that fellow brothers were going through or didn't take the steps necessary to mitigate the harm before the situation spiralled out of control.

As we've seen with the Dallas Cowboys DWI situation, there can be perfectly sane, cogent measures put in place to "help" players avoid trouble, but they are overridden by suspicion that the "help" will be used against them .

from ESPN:
MLB seeking to ID at-risk players in wake of Jovan Belcher murder-suicide, sources say - ESPN:

The events surrounding Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, who killed girlfriend Kasandra Perkins before shooting himself, motivated Major League Baseball to gather information from the tragedy for behavioral profiles that theoretically enable teams to identify players who may need assistance or intervention, according to sources.
Data shows that 80 MLB players or former players have committed suicide, 54 from self-inflicted gun wounds.
 Sources say Belcher had been engaged in an employee assistance program six to eight weeks before his death.
 The leagues are sharing information and using FBI behavioral analysis in an effort to compile a better profile of a player or former player in trouble.

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