
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New York Jets pick Greg McElroy, stick it to Tim Tebow - ESPN New York

In hindsight, a bad marriage. Headed for divorce court. It seems as if perhaps the Jets may have just been playing "keep away from the Pats" with Tebow and were willing to waste a roster spot to do so. Maybe Tim should have headed for Jacksonville, maybe the Pats would have been better even if he would be a clear and distant #2.

New York Jets pick Greg McElroy, stick it to Tim Tebow - ESPN New York:

Maybe Ryan is afraid Tebow would go 2-0 against San Diego and Buffalo and make him feel silly for sticking with Sanchez. Maybe Ryan is afraid a return of Timsanity would make him look worse than he looked that November night in Denver he sent the lead-footed Smith on a fateful blitz.

'via Blog this'

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