
Friday, February 01, 2013

The Secret Powers of Time - Dr. Phillip Zimbardo, Stanford University

Are you past oriented or future oriented?

This is fascinating stuff!!! 

From Phillip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Stanford University, who is more famous for the Stanford prison experiment. 
The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted from August 14–20, 1971 by a team of researchers led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. It was funded by a grant from the US Office of Naval Research and was of interest to both the US Navy and Marine Corps in order to determine the causes of conflict between military guards and prisoners.- excerpt from
H/T to The Practice of Practice Blog 
The Talent Code Blog

Are You Past-, Present-, or Future-Oriented? It Matters.

Posted on  by Jonathan Harnum

I've been intrigued by animated talks from the the way we think about time has a profound impact on our behavior, including the behavior of music practice.

Zambardo mentioned a book that is now in my Amazon cart called The Geography of Time: On Tempo, Culture, and the Pace of Life in which the author, Robert Levine, travels the world doing experiments on people's conception of time, or the pace of life.

Zambardo talks about some fascinating subjects that have an impact on your motivation to practice. If you live close to the equator, watch out!

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