
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I, for one, welcome our new SABR overlords

What choice do we all have? There is apparently no stopping them. Soon we will all wear pocket protectors. And I, for one, welcome our new SABR overlords. I would like to remind them that as a trusted statistician, I can be most helpful in rounding up the more mathematically challenged to toil in their abacus laden cubicles.

One thing I would advise the good people at Topps, however. If you ever decide to add players Twitter accounts to the back of said cards, I will never buy another Topps product again. I promise you that!!!

from Yahoo Sports:
Topps to include WAR on back of future baseball cards | Big League Stew - Yahoo! Sports:

In another sign of the changing times and philosophies when it comes to statistical analysis in baseball, Topps editor Matthew Bleiberg has indicated on Twitter that the baseball card manufacturing company will be including the advanced stat WAR (Wins Above Replacement) on the back of future cards.

'via Blog this'

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