
Friday, August 02, 2013

Manipulation creates artificial imbalances

Good to know.

Mark Zandi - " Manipulation has negative connotations" in his brilliant (sarc/) analysis of the Fed / QE / Taper-talk and today's Unemployment number.

Tells you all you need to know about what's going on.  Plan accordingly.

from Winter Actionables:
Manipulation Creates Artifical Imbalances
by Russ Winter
Contrary to what many believe, manipulation can temporarily delay the natural market, but not eliminate economic forces and ultimate equilibrium. Manipulation will accelerate and intensify the real trend as the imbalances are corrected. The main imbalances at present are the movement of actual gold from west to east and bearish over-trading in paper gold, which intensifies demand for the physical and lowers mining supply. Once the market breaks free of the manipulation, the trend reverses and ultimately moves further and  more violently in its natural direction than would have occurred normally.
'via Blog this'

Sorry Chief, this dynamic is not the result of the sequester. The sequester would change the dynamic in the defense industry and the government jobs number, which was up BTW in this report.

Obamacare Full Frontal: Of 953,000 Jobs Created In 2013, 77%, Or 731,000 Are Part-Time

This Zandi guy must get really dizzy from spinning so much.

OK, OK I get it. The spinning is what keeps you upright.

Here's the problem. What happens when you stop spinning? You fall down and you're dizzy? So now you've gone from upright and spinning to DOWN and DIZZY.

Thanks for your public service of delaying the inevitable. As I view it, when we fall, we'll just be a lot dizzier and it will be harder to get back up on our feet without staggering.

Why after listening to these ass-clowns talk about the economy do I have the feeling that our economic future is looking more and more like that classic staple of minor-league baseball between innings entertainment -- The Dizzy Bat Race:

Legends Fantasy Camp Dizzy Bat Race

Do I have that about right? Honestly? This is where we're headed folks, buckle up.

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