
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pitchers' guide to cheating: How to do it right - Yahoo Sports

PED for pitchers!! "Let's just change the rules", right?

All those pitchers who were whining and all those bed-wetters in the media who carped on-air on their behalf have now been exposed for the hypocritical, morality-twisting frauds they truly are. I guess the message to kids should be, "When I cheat it's for  a good purpose, when others cheat, they're just cheating scumbags".

Very nice. Sorry folks, you can't have it both ways.

Plus, Pineda is should be banned for stupidity, at least Palmieiro never came up to the batters box with a needle sticking out of his ass.

from Yahoo Sports:
Pitchers' guide to cheating: How to do it right - Yahoo Sports:

Kids these days. It's just shameful. They have no respect, no sense of history, no appreciation for their forbearers. Used to be pitchers in Major League Baseball treated cheating like an art form. Nowadays they're happy to act like finger-painting kindergarteners in a smock.
Look at New York Yankees starter Michael Pineda on Thursday, with the giant mess of gloop on his hand – his pitching hand! – that he said, with a straight face, was "dirt." Note to cheaters: There is this thing called a high-definition camera. It shoots moving pictures at 1,080 pixels per square inch. Dirt is not viscous.

'via Blog this'

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