
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Throwing out the first pitch. A baseball tradition.

10 Worst Ceremonial First Pitches

I know NASCAR has something similar, letting celebs yell "Start your engines". But what is the equivalent in some of the other major sports? Does hockey let somebody drop the first pock or slam a wrist shot into the goalie? Does basketball let somebody simulate the opening toss or take a ceremonial free-throw? How about the opening kickoff for football? Maybe let some politico take a whack at that one and fall on their keister? 

Some of these pitches that follow are just horrifically bad. If your kid is a developing pitcher, you might not want to have him/her watch these clips. Carl Lewis was a world-class athlete for crying out loud. And yet, a terrible pitcher. I've seen better at T-Ball tryouts. Carl Lewis would get CUT from a T-Ball tryout for his effort. Make a new league rule if you can't throw the ball two feet or in the right general vicinity, never mind zip-code, you get your money back. For the safety of the other children, of course.

The politicians, I'm going to cut some slack. The reaction of the catcher for the Cincinnati mayor is priceless. 

A classic, "You cannot be serious" moment. 

I was hoping for a wardrobe malfunction out of Mariah Carey, and of course didn't get it. But the pitch was moderately entertaining, if not predictable. No wonder Jeter gave her a version of the home game. Or something.

Not a bad starting lineup for the Captain there. So whatever he is doing, he is doing it right. This lineup is strong up the middle, as you would expect from a SS, but handles well around the corners too.  It does look like he may need some pitching help here, but he is still young. And single. 

Anyway, back to the first-pitch bloopers.....

John Wall (NBA star) and Denard Robinson (Michigan QB) highlight this list with some dupes. The Cincinnati catcher was none other than a dapper former Red, Eric Davis.

Davis looked just as surprised on this day in 1986, when umpire Eric Gregg (strike zone as big as his butt - pre-Questec) tells him HE'S been ejected after this classic Mets-Reds brawl.

1986 Ray Knight vs Eric Davis Fight - BRAWL

Not sure if this is # 1 or #2 Mets-Reds brawl, after the Pete Rose-Buddy Harrelson dust-up, but that's another post. 

Back, once again to the first-pitches. 

TOP 10 All-Time Worst 1st Pitches | LIVE 7-15-13

Why some teams have multiple pitchers and multi-catchers, I don't know. Just asking for an injury there, Chief. 

This is the best one I could find. Hubba-hubba, right guys?

Girl Throws Best Dodger Stadium First Pitch of the Year - June 6, 2013

This one I graded high for style points, but I had to mark her down for the dismount, as I always do, and she didn't quite stick the landing. I hate it when that happens.  

The greatest flipping first pitch you've ever seen

In the future ladies, watch the language on the titles of your videos. After all, you ARE ladies. 

And two words -- De-caf. De-flipping caf. 

This next one I actually liked the best, mimicry is a lost art. I didn't like a couple of minor but important points.

-- 6 minute video, the kid doesn't throw until about the 3:45 mark. You buried the lead folks and almost lost me. 

-- He chose a Dodger, Clayton Kershaw to mimic. As if going through life left-handed wasn't tough enough, he chose a Dodger to mimic. The kid is going to grow up without a chance in life. Nice parents. - JK.

3 year old boy throws best first pitch at MLB game - baseball prodigy

Oh and BTW, don't write to me Dodger fans. I don't read anything in crayon, or written with letters cut out from the newspaper. 

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