
Monday, September 15, 2014

Kershaw in command, Giants roller coaster season continues

Kershaw earns 19th win, Dodgers beat Giants 4-2

This series was a bit of a microcosm of the season at large, a roller coaster ride. We all know what roller coaster rides are like however. Lots of ups and downs, lots of screaming and excitement, stretches where you just have to close your eyes and clench every muscle in your body to get through it and in the end you end up pretty much exactly where you started only a bit more wobbly and queasy for the experience. I hate roller coasters.

And I should hate Clayton Kershaw. But even for a Dodger, he's too good and they have too many other guys to use up my venom on. He's worth every penny they pay him right now. They are 21 games over .500 and he's 16 of them right now. Cy Young for sure, hopefully he lets Posey win the MVP. The sportswriters in their infinite wisdom (/sarc) will have a thing or two to say about that.

from Yahoo Sports:
Kershaw earns 19th win, Dodgers beat Giants 4-2 - Yahoo Sports:
Kershaw (19-3) boosted his credentials for the NL MVP and a third Cy Young Award with another big performance in a big start. The left-hander allowed seven hits, struck out nine and walked one in eight innings. He lowered his majors-best ERA to 1.70, and put the Dodgers in command of the division.
'via Blog this'

The first game 9-0 Giants win seems so long ago. The Giants pitching staff, once a strength, seems almost in tatters, running on fumes. There were (long, painfully long) stretches of this series, mainly pitched by guys named Tim, where I didn't think the Giants would get another out. The feeling spread like a plague. Even though Petit was cruising somewhat at the time, when Kemp was up right before he hit the HR, I said "this is a trouble AB". Sure enough, I barely got done explaining what that meant to Mrs. TheSlav when the ball landed in the bleachers. I swear I heard my dog Beemer say "I'd pitch around him" right before the fateful pitch, but it could just be me. Kemp is a certified Giant killer. If he batted in all nine spots in the order, they might have scored 27 runs and that is taking fatigue into account. Just use the other eight guys as base-runners.

The Giants chance of winning the division are now slim and none and slim has just about let the door hit him in the ass on the way out. The Dodgers can pretty much run out the clock with a three game lead and a schedule filled with also-rans. Except for the series in L.A.......Hey, you don't  think the Giants could regroup and....Nah, I didn't think so, either. And stop laughing Beemer.  <"( );::::::;~  

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