
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Giants lose Game 3: Bochy waves white flag for rest of Series

Dear Future HOF Bruce Bochy and Staff:

I'm not sure what you guys are thinking after watching the Giants perform in Game 3 in SF. I hear you guys have, rather hastily I might add,  put the kibosh on starting Madison Bumgarner in Game 4. Here are my thoughts after a good night's sleep. Please consider them in the spirit in which they are presented, they are meant to be constructive in nature and in no way meant to harm anyone or hurt anyone's feelings and/or Hall of Fame chances.

Obviously, our only chance to win this thing is to go to Plan B, which consists of the following.

  • pitch Madison Bumgarner in Game 4 on short rest
  • bat Madison Bumgarner in the clean-up slot since Pence and Posey are obviously weak sticks
  • bring Madison Bumgarner back on even shorter rest for Game 5 and
  • if necessary be prepared to bring Madison Bumgarner back on even shorter rest for Game 6 in KC, and let him continue to hit clean-up, DH for Posey.
  • although it shouldn't be necessary, have Madison Bumgarner ready to pitch a Game 7, consider allowing a well-rested Posey to hit for himself, DH for Pence. Zig when the Royals expect you to zag. Know what I mean, jelly bean?
BTW: I employed a similar strategy to win a Little League tournament years back, so it's a proven strategy. I'm not particularly proud of it, but hey when you're backed into a corner, you have to fight back, do some unconventional things (like Yost, who is getting lauded for same in case you didn't have time to read the papers or various blogs). Plus, you guys are getting paid, so you don't have to deal with "ruining a youngsters future" charges. Plus, the kid wants to pitch.....

Ignore those who want to push the Vogeslong is a gamer meme. It's a a trap planted by those who want the Royals to win for some misguided reason, maybe to get Ned Yost in the Hall of Fame before you, did you ever think of that? Anyway, don't fall it, Bummer is your man. FREE MADISON BUMGARNER!!!  ;)

Vogelsong is the only pitcher to yield no more than one run in his first five postseason starts. That run ended in the NL Championship Series when Vogelsong allowed four runs in three innings of a no-decision against St. Louis.
This meme is total BS as we have seen with Peavy and more recently Hudson. I know you guys are into that "Southern Rock" meme at the moment, but need I remind you, The South lost and last time I checked, they haven't "done it again" (whatever "it" is) despite various threats to do same over the years. These guys are all talk, no action. These guys were all also sub .500 pitchers all year and you can't just push a "It's the playoffs, look at me, I'm a gamer" button and expect it to work. Other guys have been busting their asses all year while you guys were on cruise control, it's an insult to therm and the baseball gods to expect that strategy to work, so cut the shit and get real. FREE MADISON BUMGARNER!!!  ;)

This stat would be irrelevant if you didn't continue to give away AB's to guys who can't hit for shit right now, while leaving guys like Morse and Bumgarner wasting good swings in the batting cage behind the clubhouse.

Uh Boch, has anyone on the staff noticed this stat or brought it to your attention?
In the two Giants losses, San Francisco is 1-for-24 with nine strikeouts against Kelvin Herrera, Wade Davis, Greg Holland and late entry Brandon Finnegan.
Release Morse, Bumgarner, Susac and Duffy and bench Juan Perez, Gregor Blanco, Travis Ishikawa (when starting, he's OK, off the bench not so much) and maybe even Posey and Pence for now. FREE MADISON BUMGARNER!!!  ;)

I get the part about Blanco and Perez being in there for defense, but you're not scoring very many runs. In fact, you're not even coming close to scoring runs lately. Having guys in for defense merely exacerbates the problem. I'd much rather get beat 10-2 than this 3-2 shit anyway. If you guys are going to suck, take your ass-whipping like a man and get beat 10-2, guys get over those kind of losses a lot easier than these 3-2 games. It's like a death by a thousand cuts or torture and that is sooooooo..... 2010-2012 Giants. You have a new identity now, embrace it.

Again, I don't want this critique in any way to harm your Hall of Fame chances, I still support the movement provided of course you sit out the mandatory five year waiting period. And of course, after the many more deserving candidates like Jim Leyland, Pete Rose, Don Mattingly (the player, not the manager NO, NO NO), Ned Yost (after he beats you), Joe Maddon (who is technically probably a better manager after adjusting for payroll), Billy Beane (the God of Baseball, saved baseball after the steroids debacle IMO), Brad Pitt (marvelous rendition of Billy Beane, I cried) and Barry Bonds get in before you. Oh, and don't forget Shoeless Joe Jackson and Heinie Manush (never mind, inducted by Veterans Committee).

Thanks for listening Boch, I feel much better about our chances now..


P.S. - You're going to have to go to Bummer and hand him the ball. He's kind of goofy shy like that. He won't ask for / demand the ball like he should. Some macho, locker room mentality BS about not crapping all over a teammate. We don't have time for that shit right now, you dig? We're down 2-1, with the next two games being "must" win games for you guys. And this isn't like when people refer to a late-August game as a "must" win. This is a really, really, really "must" win scenario. See how the script flips on you in the post-season? You guys might have been distracted with designing Hall of Fame busts and junk, so I thought I would step in.

OK, now I really feel better.  Still your best-est fan. Don't listen to anything Mrs. TheSlav says. That "Mr. Negative" moniker has been a nickname she gave me that stuck many, many years ago, like when we first met. It has absolutely no relevance to today's memo.

Respectfully Submitted,

~;::::::;( )">  ¯\_( )_/¯

TheSlav and Associates

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