
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Giants stick with Ryan Vogelsong | ESPN and Peter Gammons need to explain themselves

Kyle Terada/USA TODAY Sports
It's up to Ryan Vogelsong to silence any controversy over the Game 4 starting nod

Why on earth is it up to Ryan Voglesong to silence any controversy over the Game 4 starting nod and not up to ESPN Hall of Famer Peter Gammons to explain his appalling lack of journalism ethics in making up quotes out of whole cloth?

Shouldn't Gammons and ESPN have to explain where he got his erroneous, so-called insider information from?  Which by the way ESPN charges people for access to said insider information. Shouldn't they have to explain their employees lack of ethics? Why are they charging people for fiction under the guise of fact?

Keep the lawyers out of it, I'd settle for letting Bumgarner kick his wrinkled ass.  ESPN is a garbage organization.

from ESPN:
MLB - Giants stick with Ryan Vogelsong - ESPN:
That quote came as a surprise to Bumgarner, who emerged from the shower after the San Francisco clubhouse had cleared and told and several Giants beat reporters that he never lobbied Bochy to start Saturday on short rest. He also distanced himself from any of the comments in question. 
"I didn't tell anybody that," Bumgarner said. "Nobody. I didn't say anything even remotely close to that. I want it to be straightened up, because I don't know where that came from.

"I've been here with [Vogelsong] since 2011, and obviously we've seen what he can do. There's nobody I'd rather have out there more than him."
'via Blog this'

But the idea of a flip-flop in the order and a quick turnaround for Bumgarner gained currency when Peter Gammons shared the following item on his Twitter account early in Game 3:
Favorite Tweet?
 @pgammo Before the game, Bumgarner told teammates, "my pitching tomorrow is not an issue. I am. I will not take no for an answer."
19h ago

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