
Friday, May 08, 2015

How I remember Michael Morse

NLCS Gm5: Morse crushes game-tying homer in the 8th

This is how most Giants fans will remember Morse, apologies to Cardinals fans. Kudos to Buck who lets the moment breathe for nearly :50 seconds.

The unbridled, youthful exuberance rounding the bases gives me chills every time I see it. He turned into a kid circling the bases, seemingly flying a foot off the ground. It's like the magic of the game to transform grown men into little kids was displayed to its fullest.

You could feel the momentum of the game change as soon as he made contact. The joy shared in the dugout with his teammates and the fans is an embodiment of what Morse was about in his short time in SF. And it is what was remembered last night when all his former teammates met him at home plate to receive his championship ring.

This moment set up Ishakawa's game winning HR and although history will shine more brightly on the Ishakawa blast, for me, this one had as much or greater meaning and certainly more romance and pure unadulterated joy.

In both cases you could say "it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy". We all miss Michael Morse this year, he was absolutely a great Giant. 


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