
Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to be a Better Writer - 6 Tips

I wish I had read this article BEFORE I started blogging. Oh well, we'll try to do better in the future. Actually, I might do most of these already, most of the time. I have to work more on #6, sometimes guilty of hitting the "Publish" key either prematurely or before I have done a spelling / grammar check. #2 is a good one as well, because, of course, it always makes sense to me. Only problem is Mrs. TheSlav is like a good cop, never around when you need her. 

Hopefully the next 2,000 or so posts are better than the first 2,0000. They almost have to be, right? 

How To Be A Better Writer: 6 Tips From Harvard's Steven Pinker
How To Be A Better Writer: 6 Tips From Harvard's Steven ...
Learn how to be a better writer with insights from cognitive science. Harvard's Steven Pinker gives six great tips you can start using today.
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Here are six of Steven's tips for good writing:
  1. Be visual and conversational. Be concrete, make your reader see and stop trying to impress.
  2. Beware "the curse of knowledge." Have someone read your work and tell you if it makes sense. Your own brain cannot be trusted.
  3. Don't bury the lead. Clarity beats suspense. If they don't know what it's about they can't follow along.
  4. You don't have to play by the rules, but try. If you play it straight 99% of the time, that 1% will really shine.
  5. Read Read Read. The English language is too complex to learn from one book. Never stop learning.
  6. Good writing means revising. Never hit "send" or "print" without reviewing your work — preferably multiple times.

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