
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Giants and Brewers just being themselves

Crawford's diving catch

 05/26/15 | 00:31

5/26/15: Brandon Crawford makes a diving catch on a hard liner to retire Hector Gomez and help Madison Bumgarner escape a jam in the 6th

This is Brandon Crawford just being Brandon Crawford, I had just let out a customary "Oh s^*t" as soon as the ball was hit and then I realized it was hit towards SS, where hits go to die, regardless of how hard they are hit. Amazing. It happens daily.  

There was also some Carlos Gomez - Madison Bumgarner inter-action which unfortunately did not elevate to quite the level I would have liked, which is to say a Bumgarner administered ass-whipping to the young jack-ass Gomez.  Stay tuned.


MILWAUKEE -- Brewers center fielder Carlos Gomez was seething in the wake of Tuesday's 6-3 loss to the Giants from what he viewed as a condescending stare from San Francisco ace Madison Bumgarner during the pair's showdown in the third inning.
Gomez screamed to himself after fouling off an 0-1 fastball, loud enough to be picked up on the television broadcast of the game. Bumgarner appeared to take issue and gave Gomez a stare, then threw another fastball inside for ball one. The two looked at each other again before Bumgarner again came inside with a fastball, which Gomez hit for an inning-ending flyout to left field.
Bumgarner did not address the exchange during his postgame interview, but Gomez brought it up with reporters in the home clubhouse, unprompted.
"Who does that guy think he is, Bumgarner?" Gomez said. "I never scream at anybody when they miss a pitch and he screams at himself, or they make a pitch and be happy. I never say anything. So you put a good swing, and they're looking at you like you're a piece of [garbage]. Tell that [guy] to throw the ball and don't worry about my thing.
"That [guy] was looking at me like I'm an idiot. So you worry about pitching, I worry about hitting. I don't care what you do. You can strike me out and do whatever you want. That doesn't bother me. But a professional, like the guy he thinks he [is], you throw the pitch and the hitter can do whatever he wants. I missed a pitch. ... I was [upset] because I waited for that pitch and I'm supposed to hit it and I missed it.
"... I was [mad] at myself, so he can't be looking at me. He's not my dad."

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